
council house 會堂,議場;〔蘇格蘭語〕市政廳;州[市]營住宅。

council manic

Opening remarks by the secretary for housing , planning and lands , mr michael suen , at the joint special meeting of the legislative council housing panel and planning , lands and works panel 房屋及規劃地政局局長孫明揚出席立法會房屋事務委員會與規劃地政及工程事務委員會聯席會議的發言全文

For three years , there ' s been a running fight between the tory and labour members of the housing committee about raising council house rents 3年來,住房供給委員會的保守黨成員和工黨成員就提高社團房租事宜互相進行了追擊戰。

For three years , there ' s been a running fight between the tory and labour members of the housing committee about raising council house rents 3年來,住房供給委員會的保守黨成員和工黨成員就提高社團房租事宜互相進行了追擊戰。

Speech by the secretary for justice , ms elsie leung at the legislative council house committee meeting on may 18 , 1999 律政司司長梁愛詩在立法會內務委員會會議上就居留權問題的致辭全文(五月十八日)

Eastern district council housing committee 東區區議會房屋事務委員會

British council housing development in housing supply system 英國住房供應體系中廉價公房開發

Wong tai sin district council housing committee meeting 黃大仙區議會房屋事務委員會會議